Archive for May 2007

The most challenging task

May 8, 2007

The interviewer asked me today what was the most challenging task I have faced. I had no specific tasks in mind because every task accomplished seems not so impossible when you look at them in retrospect. And so, I answered that the most challenging nature of tasks is to manage people, especially in terms of human relationships, managing different expectations among vested interests. The interviewer was quite shocked at my answer and he re-iterated you mean you have no challenging tasks till now?  Clearly, that was not what I meant. Nevertheless, I still threw 2 examples at him to illustrate my point on managing people.

Personally, I think managing people or dealing in human relationships is always the most challenging. Sometimes, people put on a facade to please people. Sometimes, you know something but you have to pretend not to know and at times, you are disappointed at how some “friends” can do things that you cannot comprehend. Maybe, there are no true friends anymore. Then you have the colleagues where everything is on a superficial and merely professional level. Colleagues will be very different from classmates…even from university classmates and the usual group of people you will hang out with and joke around with.

Welcome to the working world.